Do you find yourself looking at images online and just falling in love with a particular color? Whether it is in an article of clothing, on a scrapbook page, or in a Pinterest post, you WANT that color!

Here’s a quick tip on how to snag that color, using Photoshop:  (This tip works the same way in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.)

  1. Have Photoshop open, alongside the web page from which you want to copy the color.  (I have Photoshop open next to a Pinterest page.)
  2. You will need to have a document open in Photoshop. I have a blank document open.
  3. Click and hold down the eyedropper on the Photoshop document.
  4. Drag the eyedropper tool onto the web page from which you would like to copy a color.
  5. When the eyedropper is hovering over the color you would like to copy, let go of your mouse.
  6. The color will appear in the Color Picker in Photoshop as the Foreground color.
Color Picker Tutorial SnickerdoodleDesigns

Press and hold down your mouse over a blank document


Color Picker Tutorial SnickerdoodleDesigns

Drag the eyedropper onto a web page, hover over the color you would like to sample, let go of your mouse.

That’s it! I love using this tip when browsing Pinterest, especially!