ADB Designs is the featured designer this week, here’s just a little bit about her.

“I am Diane, known in the scrapping world as ADB Designs, and I am a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. I began paper scrapping as a child. My father, whom I adored, was a scrapbook keeper and I learned by example. I also grew up with an interest in genealogy, fueled by my father as well.

My husband is a professional photographer (retired now) and together we make a terrific creative team. He often photographs unique and special things for me that I want to include in my kits. I lean towards vintage and artistic realistic styles but every once in a while I leap out of my box and create in a new and totally different way. It helps to keep me fresh and it is a challenge I love.

I design digital scrapbooking products, both for personal use and commercial use. It is a creative outlet that I love, love, love.  My favorite colors are purple and orange, I like the autumn season best and I love to read.”

Layout Inspiration

Layout Inspiration

Layout Inspiration

Layout Inspiration

Some Hard Times by ADB Designs was designed to use scrapping the dust bowl days in the southern prairies of the United States and the world wide depression of the 1930s were hard times indeed. These were the days that my parents grew up. My father was 13 in 1930; my mother was 10; by the time World War II came to the United States, they were just barely adults. What a time to grow up! And for my grandparents, what a challenging time to raise a family. For most of you, your parents or your grandparents experienced these hard times too.

Some Hard Times is 30 % off this week, so grab it while it’s on sale!!!

Here’s a little cluster freebie for you, Enjoy!!!
