Hi all, here is Silke.

Today I will show you how wave a filmstrip with the wrap tool, like my sample here below:

First of all, I did a free Filmstrip for you. Catch this free bonus file from the end of this post and then follow these easy steps here below.

You will learn how to:

  • duplicate the filmstrip frame and merge these
  • wave the filmstrip frame with Wrap Tool.

Open a new document. 3600 x 3600 x 300 dpi and place the SILKE_filmstrip_frame_4exercise.png to your document.

Now duplicate this frame layer, reposition it and merge the layer down.

If your layer has a little icon on the layer corner (smart object) – and you cannot see the merge down option – you have first to rasterize these layers. See here how:

Now merge both layers

Using the Wrap Tool to wave your Filmstrip Frame:

Click the frame layer and then go to Edith> Transform > Wrap

Click on the blue and read points marked with 1 to 4 and move up. You have to play and adjust everything until you are happy with the result!

Ready! Use your imagination, double the original file more then once and create your own waved filmstrip frame!

Layout with PapierStudio’s Kit and Collection Candy Cane Lane – on Sale 40% off during July!

Download the Freebie here

I am adding here a video where I show you how to wave it using Photoshop CS6. No sound. But easy to follow!

Happy Creations!
