“Trick or treat, smell my feet.
Give me something good to eat.
If you don’t, I won’t be sad.
I’ll just make you wish you had!”
It’s almost Halloween! That means it’s time for annual Trick or Treat What’s in your zip? We’ve got 21 amazing mini’s, all coordinated palette & theme (Scaredy Cats, scrambled up & hidden. What will be in your zip?
The best part of Halloween is coming home, dumping your full pillowcase full of candy on the floor, and finding all your favorites! You never know what you are going to find, and we’ve done our best to surprise you… with a little hint below.
These Mystery Mini’s contains a little treat. A little virtual Trick or Treat, re-imagined digital style! What will be in your zip?
Take a peek at what could be in your mini:
HAH! i got all 21 because how could i resist CATS and HALLOWEEN!!! LOVE them … BUT … although there is a mini here picture for Thalaris … not one of the 21 mini kits is Thalaris … Synergy Ink is NOT pictured and that’s the other one i got … can you please add Thalaris’ mini to the store? i totally ADORE that one!!! and thanks for doing this again this year… i have a hard time resisting them!