Good morning scraaaaaaaaaaaapwooooooooooooorld! I’m all about the titles on a layout. I’m even more all about the titles when someone else has made said title. Luckily we’ve got a couple super fun ones in our Road Trip collection. I’m using the free one handed out on July 12 by Aimee Harrison.

I already have a layout, and I’m swapping out a framed photo for a title.

While I don’t hate an unshadowed title, it feels incomplete to me. It definitely does not pop.

I’m going to add a “flat cluster” shadow first. Cheré did a wonderful video earlier this week & it seems to really fit this collection. I used her settings for this shadow:

  • Blend Mode – Linear Burn
  • Opacity – 48%
  • Distance – 14 px
  • Spread – 9%
  • Size – 24 px

Alternatively, you can add a fun shadow such as a long shadow. A long shadow looks as if the sun is shining on it at the end of the day. In photoshop you can easily create this using Distort.

  • Click on your Title Layer in the Layers Palette
  • Right click and choose create layer
  • Click on your new Title layer shadow layer
  • Click on the top menu: Edit ->Transform->Distort
  • Distort the new shadow layer by moving it down & to the side with your mouse

To really make your title POP, decorate it! Add some of the fun elements you can find in Road Trip to add extra pizzazz to your layout & make it uniquely yours.

I’m happy with my title and leaving it as is, YMMV and that’s okay! Go nuts! Decorate awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!