I’ve got an adorable picture today, featuring very happy kiddo’s.  Let me tell you, brief moments in time can be deceiving.  The road to our Random-Act-of-Kindness was a very long & hard one.  I saw a posting on our local facebook page for a Shoebox Program, one of the other moms was collecting the boxes to drop off with our German local point-of-contact.  Samaritan’s Purse, who runs this program, is one of my favorite charity organizations because so much of their work & monies actually goes to the good cause/end recipients. I decided that we could share a shoebox full of goodies with some less fortunate kids.

This also sounded good to my kids!  Dane wanted to do a boy, just like him, and Tess wanted a girl, just like her.  Off to the store we went.  This is where it became almost unbearable.  It was very exciting picking out stuff for their boy & their girl, not so exciting when they learned they were going to be giving this totally awesome toy (and awesome shirt and awesome hat and delicious candy) to their boy & their girl.  I wasn’t buying two of each, I was buying only for their boy and their girl.  Presents are not cheap, and a shoebox holds an amazing amount of stuff.  We had crying.  And meltdowns.  “Mommy you are SO mean.”  In the store.

I did not leave the store with my calm or dignity fully in tact.  I did leave the store with only goodies for their boy & their girl.  Once home I again explained the Shoebox Program and shared the 2011 Report.  We also talked about the kids in the photo’s.  It made it a little bit easier to give up these boxes.  Dave and I both helped them pack and wrap their boxes. Then I had each of them write a letter to their boy & their girl, complete with a photo.  Finally, and this took a lot longer than I anticipated, we were done.  Even better, once we were done (and I think a little bit because the goodies were out of sight) my kids were very excited to give their gifts.  Both have been speculating wildly about who will get their present, where do they live, what will they like best.

I think they don’t know yet who really got the best present of all this year.