Love is in the air!! Valentine’s day is one of my favorite holidays to decorate for, make crafts of and celebrate! Maybe it’s all the pink and red, or the candy and cookies, or heart shapes…or maybe it’s just the LOVE!  Either way lots of animals have fallen in love in this adorable Valentine’s day themed kit–Twiterpated by A-Manda Creations!  You’ll get some puppy love, giraffes, monkeys, frogs, mice, kitties, even fish kissing in the fish bowl (my favorite!)  There are tons of hearts and flowers and other love themed goodies in this kit as well.  Everyone in this kit is TWITTERPATED!!

I grabbed one of JenC Designs templates from her January Template Grab Bag and made this layout. The colors were perfect to go with this new outfit that I made my daughter and all those hearts show how much she loves it!!!

I’ve turned this layout into a qp for you today, enjoy!!!
