Our new house came with a little apartment on the ground floor. We use it mostly for game nights & so-mom-doesn’t-hear the x-box.  But it is a fantastic little space for guests. I sent emails to my Design Team, friends & family that I had room.  I’ve already had friends & family come to visit, and this week I had my first Designer come! Karen (SnickerdoodleDesigns) and her husband Rick stayed for three waaaaay too short days this week.

We all fell in love with both Karen & Rick.  Last night, their first night not here, I had two sad, small children nestled in my arms.  Tess even had tears she missed Karen so much.  If that doesn’t tell you what a truly warm, loving, amazing person she is… well, I have no more words.  I would move both of them in, permanently, in a heart beat.  What a blessing to find a friend through scrapbooking that now feels like part of my family.

I drove them around several of the little villages here in the Black Forest, both of us whipping out our camera’s and using the beautiful scenery and my kids as models.  We especially enjoyed the old monastery: Kloster Hirsau, dating back to the 11th century.  Much of it is in ruins, some still blackened from a big fire in the 1500’s.  My kids happily climbed broken stone walls & showed off their monkey skills.  Karen briefly donated her bright orange sweater to Tess so we could get better contrast photo’s of her against the ancient backgrounds.

Karen quickly realized how I get such good shots of both kids… they love to pose! The second they saw her camera even waver in their direction, they pulled out their photoshoot faces.  They make it easy! I quickly realized Karen is an amazing photographer.  She is very humble, but I noticed! Rick, being a fantabulous husband, told me she’s even won prizes.  Karen blushed!  But I got copies of all her photo’s.  He’s not lying.  She is prize-worthy & I wish she was here longer so I could learn from and have a partner as I walk around & shoot photo’s.  I really miss them.  Funny how only 3 days together can bond you so close.

I’m working on editing & getting more of the photo’s up & sharing.  This picture says it all though, Dane & Rick are best buddies:
