As I play more with my new camera (Canon 60D), my photo’s are getting better and I’m ready to print many of them.  I love playing with photoshop, editing my photo’s and cropping them.  Just about any crop works fine for on the web or on facebook, but when it comes to print sizes I need to maintain a standard crop.  Photoshop makes this easy.

I’ve been taking the crop tool for granted until recently.  Now I know what a powerful addition the crop tool really is.  Over the next couple of weeks I’ll share some of the cool features the crop tool has, but first let’s start with the Crop Tool Presets.

I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 (though I’m 99%  positive this works in most versions of Elements as well); and a picture taken of Dane today.  I did a quick edit on the photo using MCP Actions fantastic Summer Solstice set:


While I love the wonderful textures and old-world culture the background brings, I think the barn door overwhelms poor Dane.  Time for a crop!

I select the crop tool in my side menu tool bar: croppresets_croptool
Then I click the crop tool (croppresets_croptool) again in the upper menu bar.
Click on the small arrow (circled “1” below); then, if necessary, click the additional side arrow (circled “2” below) for the crop tool preset manager.croppresets_croptool
Choose “Crop and Marquee”, click “append”, to get the listed preset crops added to your crop tool:


I choose the Crop 4 in X 6 in preset crop tool.  Then drag over the photo until you are at the max for this preset (ie 4″ X 6″).  Once the crop is in place on the photo, you can still move it around while maintaining the preset crop size.  I also have the “Rule of Thirds” choice selected on my menu bar, this allows me to easily choose where to place my crop.

Once I’m done, I click the croppresets_checkmark in the upper menu bar to commit to my crop:


Now I’m done with my photo, cropped the way I like it and sized perfectly for printing.


NOTE: this photo is cropped 4X6, then reduced to web size