Diane {ADB Designs} and Patty {PattyB Scraps} bring you the third in their No. 1 Hits Series! Hit the Road Jack was written by rhythm and bluesman Percy Mayfield and became famous after it was recorded by singer-songwriter-pianist Ray Charles with the Raelettes vocalist Margie Hendricks. The song hit number one for two weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 & five weeks on the R&B Billboard Top 100, beginning on Monday, October 9, 1961 and it also received a Grammy for Best Rhythm and Blues Recording. 

Like the song, the palette has a strong “beat” of browns, greens and blues. Though the kit is decidedly masculine, there are plenty of elements that will allow for feminine, family and children layouts.


And if you want more be sure to check out the full collection marked at a special low price too!!!


Today I’ve put together a photo cluster, enjoy!!!

