TracyB Creations is our Featured Designer this week, here is a little about her.

“Hi there, my name is Tracey and I live in a small town on the south eastern side of South Africa. My husband is a Senior Professional Architectural Technician and has his own business.

We have two grown children, a daughter Nicola who is married and lives in Sydney, Australia and a son, Daniel who is a Mechanical Engineer, currently single and living in Cape Town, South Africa. I have been working with my husband for the last 18 years, helping in his business with the financial side and also drawing plans on Autocad. I discovered the world of Digital Scrapping in 2010 and it quickly become my favorite hobby. I have had the privilege or scrapping on the Creative Teams of many prominent Designers, but now I am looking forward to my move into Designing and creating beautiful Kits for you to work with. I hope that you enjoy using my Kits as much as I enjoy creating them for you!”

Layout Inspiration

Layout Inspiration

Layout Inspiration

Layout Inspiration

It’s so easy to get caught up in our busy lives. From New Years resolutions to spring cleaning, and summer vacations to the holidays—life can come and go as quickly as the seasons.  That’s why it’s so important to pause and be thankful for the blessings we have in our lives.  Give Thanks by Tracey B Creations is the perfect kit to scrap all those things that you are thankful for!!!

Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love and a time to reflect on the things that matter most in life.
Danielle Duckery.

Here’s a little freebie for you today, Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
