There are two things, at least two things, I absolutely love about Germany.I will miss both when, if, we ever leave:shoes and ice cream.The ice cream here has flavor.Deep, rich, tasty flavor.Especially the chocolate is irresistible.I can still get American ice cream, even Ben & Jerry’s, at the commissary, but it just doesn’t compare with the ice cream.My recommendation?In your first five minutes off the plane, buy an ice cream cone and just revel in the taste.

The second thing I absolutely love over here are the shoes.I love, love, love European shoes.Specifically boots, but twist my arm a little and I’ll settle for some shoes.Dave bought me three pairs of boots during our three long months in the hotel, one for each month.Since then I’ve added a couple of pairs, but not nearly as many as I’ve wished for.A girl can never, ever have enough shoes.

During our leisurely stroll through Stuttgart last Tuesday I tried to satisfy both my vices.Dave & Dane were both excited for ice cream cones, and we quickly were holding frozen treats in our equally frozen hands.There may not have been snow, but it wasn’t 80 degrees out either.Of course the cold played in our favor, we got our cones very quickly, being the only ones to get in line.

Nobody else but me was excited to shop for shoes, so I took the most out of Dane’s small steps, made even smaller by the need to lick his cone, and window-shopped.And then, I saw a pair of boots I fell in love with.They stopped me cold in my tracks.Unfortunately, Dane was walking right behind me, very intent on licking his cone, and BOOM!He crashed right into me, cone first.

(pssst, don’t worry the tears were short-lived)