It’s been a very cold week here in Germany. Temperatures have been below zero, even below zero if you measure it in Fahrenheit! I haven’t had weather this cold since we left Minnesota seven years ago. Last year I bought some wonderful lambswool gloves that were part mitten, part glove. I could fold the mitten part back and expose just my finger tips. Very handy for clearing snow of the car, sticking keys in a lock, or taking pictures. I lost one of the gloves and now I haven’t taken a picture for a week.

Luckily Dane is always more than willing to ham it up for the camera. I’ve captured him in all his white-for-winter glory, with the spaghetti stains from dinner still visible, and I’ve captured his little smirk. I so love that little smirk. This particular little smirk says “I’m doing you a favor. You are going to owe me.” And I know just what he thinks I owe him. Another puzzle.

Dane has turned into a puzzle monster. He is the first out of the six kids to develop a puzzle craze and there just aren’t enough puzzles in the house to satisfy his puzzling needs. When he’s not puzzling, he loves to look through the puzzling section on Amazon and pick out the next puzzle he earns. “This one” and “That one” and “This one”, there’s not a single puzzle he doesn’t want. Even the princess ones are fair game, because he has to do them for his sister.