I am an unabashed dork, sci-fi geek & Halloween enthusiast. I love dressing up, throwing out “me” for a day, and playing pretend.  This is not just me, this is my whole family.  We start planning Halloween costumes months, sometimes a whole year in advance.  Even Soren, out of the house six years now (SIX!), plans ahead.  This year he went as Ragnar (Vikings).  He spent half a year growing the beard in the perfect shape, and getting his hair just right.

Dave & I love the new show Defiance (on SyFy).  Of course we went as Castithans. I love dragging out my zombie contacts.  Sadly many people are not huge sci-fi geeks like us, and only four people (but with giddy excitement) recognized our costumes.  Very, very, very happily our newest friends immediately knew who we were and we bonded even more. I’ve been pouting since our best friends left last December (Today I hate the Military).  We just haven’t found that same love & camaraderie since.  But I think we may be on the path to a friendship that will be almost as good.

While not everyone knew who we were supposed to be, we still got looks & kudo’s aplenty.  The funniest was Dane’s little friend Charlie.  They were happily running from house-to-house-to-house trick or treating, and I noticed Charlie looking over his shoulder frequently.  I could hear him thinking: Why are those people following us?

Finally he asked Dane:
“Are those your parents?”  Dane nodded yes, did a cartwheel and ran to the next house.  Charlie threw us another confused look, not really buying the whole we-are-Dane’s-parents thing.  So I helped out:

“He’s adopted.”  Charlie looked so relieved, so happy that it finally made sense why Dane looked nothing like us, I didn’t really feel bad about my little white lie.
