How is my baby a senior already? It feels like this time it went faster than before.  I’m so not ready to have him graduate and leave the house.  Yet, at the same time, I’m so proud of the  young man he’s become.  He’s always had a heart of gold.  The kind of kid that would give the shirt of his back to a stranger.  He struggled in school, not so much because it was hard for him but because it was too easy and he was busy filling his brain with a million other things.  Missing the trees for the forest.

This year he’s really been able to focus on his goal (aeronautical engineer, I’m bursting!) and he’s gotten A+ in all his honors & AP courses.  Seriously, I’m bursting.  We still have no idea where we are going next, as the saying goes:

“Home is where the army sends us.”   So we’re applying to colleges in several likely states, and a couple here in Europe that have engineering courses in English.  I’m secretly hoping for Finland, I’ve never been to Finland, but he’s hoping he’ll find an university near us.  For laundry. Of course.

Monday was a holiday in the US, and here for the Americans working on base and kids going to the American high schools.  Poor Dane was the only one who had to go to school.  I worked a half day then grabbed Cole, my best friend Sarah & her senior Taylor and we headed out to Schloß Lichtenstein, not even an hour from our house, to take the official senior photo’s.

Cole, sadly, has his mothers ability to make a weird face every time the shutter clicks.  Out of 206 I got 11 decent shots, not that they weren’t in focus but… anyway, these are some of my favorites with the castle leading the way!



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