As my oldest son gets older, I find it a challenge to figure out what to get him for birthdays – and what to get his friends as well. I’ve been brainstorming some non-toy ideas for these pre-teen boys and I came across candy bouquets. These look so fun, so yummy and can be made to match anyones taste and personality! Here are a few variations of this fun gift idea!

I love this one, using boxed candy to create the vase to hold the remaining treats!


This one doesn’t have instructions, but I imagine using a styrofoam ball to create the ball of lollipops would be pretty easy to do!

dum dum bouquet1

This one is definitely more for the girls out there – how beautiful are these chocolate flowers?


This one doesn’t give any instruction either, but this one would be so fun for a coach or the team at the end of the season or before a big tournament. The dollars would be handy at a tournament to grab a drink or snack between games!



Wants something a little more playful? This candy car is adorable! Could be really cute at a party or shower.
