While we don’t live in the Land of Ice & Snow (that would be Minnesota), we do live in a Winter Wonderland about 5 months out of the year. I absolutely adore snow, even with accompanying ice & freezing temperatures. I may have been a polar bear, or a penguin, in a previous life. Still, despite going skating/skiing/snowboarding/sledding every winter, we haven’t made it a routine. We haven’t signed up for lessons and jumped in with both feet like the summer sports, soccer & swimming. This year, that has finally changed!

Late August I got a phone call, we were in! Dane was finally accepted into the skating school, there had been quite a waiting list, last Saturday he had his first group lesson. This Saturday he showed off his mad ice skating skills at pick-up. Color me impressed! Dane went from a wall-hugger, to a mid-ice speed racer! In two lessons.

Obviously he’s not ready for the Olympics, but don’t tell him that.