I like to keep things light & airy on the blog. It is the same when I scrap, light & airy and the good moments. I like my memories filled with happy thoughts. It keeps me going when things are dark. And things are dark. The world is dark. I am struggling to find a bright light.
I went down the rabbit hole on Wednesday. Another shooting. Another massacre. More beautiful young lives lost. I followed the news with unhealthy interest. Refreshing. Reading. Crying. My heart broke with each child lost. Each young life cut short. The pain in those homes is unimaginable. I can’t imagine. I won’t imagine.
I am not alone in my heart-break. I am not alone in my despair. I am not alone in my anger. I am watching news reports, reading social media posts, and hearing friends express all these emotions and more. And my world is getting darker. There is so much hate. So much anger. So much directed at each other. Our fellow man.
There isn’t a person who wants another shooting, school or otherwise, and yet it seems, all we do is tear each other down. Name call. Ridicule. Belittle. Threaten. It is horrific to watch our nation be torn apart. There is a great divide. Sides. One problem. A million different sides. All of them wrong.
Until we can treat each other with love and respect there will be no answer. There will be no solution. There will be more hate. More shootings. It needs to stop here. It needs to stop now. Hear each other. Stop spewing hate. The buck stops here. It stops with me. It stops with you.
We are one nation. Under God. Indivisible.
One of the reasons I like to scrap and create (I hope) beautiful pages… and the reason I spend time and money on scrapping sites like yours… is that I firmly believe our creativity adds beauty to the world. We create. We don’t destroy. Maybe our collective lovely creativity somehow goes out into the universe to add light, not darkness. Keep up the good work!
Such a simple idea – so hard to apply. Hope keeps me going.
It seems to keep getting worse with no end in sight… I’m so glad I can spend time scrapping pages, the news is just so painful. My heart breaks for those parents. How can anyone ever send their child off to school again without fear???????????
it is all so difficult. I see best friends making hate posts, name calling–foul names…Asking for censorship of the “other” side. Not bothering to reflect that censorship is already practiced in China, Russia and other countries without real democracy. And now arguing for or already carrying guns in churches and schools. I beg for love and understanding and my “friend” list gets smaller every day. I pray for accountability from the bullies who torment kids, the family members who can’t be bothered to store guns and ammo safely away from children, and from our government officials who can vote in a pay raise or pork barrel spending quietly without any fuss, but can’t figure out any way to provide medical help, mental, spiritual and physical to our young, elderly, and everyone between I look and see the name callers and hate mongers with 100s of friends. And my friend list gets smaller and smaller..