My main reason for going to Japan was Nick. Our 2nd born. Our 2nd soldier. Our 2nd son stationed in Okinawa, half a planet away. Nick needed some mom time. Being far from home, and losing his grandfather shortly after his big overseas move, has been hard. He needed a little love from home.

Originally Tess & I had planned to go at the end of March, in time for the Sakura blossoms, the famous blooming cherry trees. But. Life. Army. The military got in the way, both Nick & Dave will be away in March for work. Nick who I want to see. Dave who I need to be home for Dane. As luck would have it, it is cheaper to go to Japan in January. Score!

Not so luckily, a couple of days after touching down in Tokyo Nick’s leave got canceled. He had extra training necessary for the mission. Urgh. Stupid Army. I would only have a little over 48 hours with him. We both yelled through our phones, got angry, and then sighed. The mission comes first. Always. As the saying goes: “If the Army wanted you to have a family, they would have issued you one.”

At least we had the weekend. And we made the most of the weekend. Tess spent some down time regrouping, catching up with friends on social media, and I got some much-needed alone time with Nick. He was super excited to show off his new stomping grounds, especially the American Village not far from Kadena Air Force Base.

Originally I wanted to rent a car & see some culture, castles & countryside but it was not to be. My international drivers license from Germany, was not the right international drivers license for Japan. Who knew? Not me. It turned out to be for the best. Nick really just wanted to show me around, and honestly, American Village and the mall were pretty impressive. It was nice to just have time to wander his favorite paths, see his new world through his eyes.

As much as I had resisted going to American Village, because I was after all in Japan not America, I loved it the second I saw it. American Village is vibrant, adorable, just happy. It’s in a beautiful spot, filled with kitschy (and yes touristy) shops, café’s and the ubiquitous gachapon (capsule vending machines).

48 hours were not enough. The time went by too fast. I couldn’t help a couple tears as I hugged Nick one last time, dreading leaving him so far behind. I promised to return. How I hope, finger & toes crossed, I can keep that promise. I am officially in love with Japan.