I’m backtracking a little today, because my weekend in Holland was packed with so much goodness, I’m just not done sharing.  On top of Oma, my family, we also hit ‘s-Hertogenbosch Maritiem festival, a celebration of all things boat.  I think.  All I know is, it was busy, filled with Dutch people, Dutch music, Dutch beer, what more could a girl want?

The best part was actually getting to the Maritiem part of the festival, and there was a stau!  After Ausfahrt (meaning exit on the freeway, but, well, we have teenage boys, so, um, yeah), stau was the first new word we learned in German.  It means traffic jam.  All stopped.  No go.  Enjoy the unlimited speeds on the autobahn… not.  In Holland, it being renowned for having recovered about half again of its country size via dikes, a stau is not with cars, but with boats!

Dutch Stau

A little side note, but if you are ever in country, and you want to stay in an unusual place, try renting one of the many houseboats along the canals in Amsterdam.  It’s not expensive, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  There are also old ships that rent berths, google for one that speaks English (almost all do) and read the reviews.  Now that Dave has lost his fear of ships, it’s on our list of things to do.