Sunday, for the second year running, we went to the big Fasching (Mardi Gras, Carnaval) parade.  This year we went to the gorgeous, I’m-in-love, Weil Der Stadt.  It was spectacular.  Amazing.  Freezing.  And two hours long.  I think I’m still struggling to feel my toes.

Weil Der Stadt does it bigger & better than Ergenzingen last year (my photo’s). Nonetheless, we loved it! Especially Dave & Cole, they missed it last year.  Last year I had no idea how huge this was, this year I was prepared and we all went.  It was too cold for costumes, so me & the little ones wore funny hats, just to get into the spirit.  Little did I know that wearing an orange, monster-horned hat would cause my such grief.

From the get-go I was targeted by the  Hexen (witches) in the parade.  Each village has their own guild, their own mask, colors and costume.  All the Hexens’ mission in life is to tease, torture and plague the crowd.  Last year I thought having a camera granted me immunity.  It turns out my immunity was because of my non-costumed self.  Simply by wearing a monster hat, I was suddenly fair game.  I lost my hat several times.  Hexen ran up and grabbed my hat, leaving me no choice but to run down the street (the middle of the street, the middle of the parade) to retrieve my hat.  Chasing my hat alone, I ran 3 kilometers sunday.  I think I’m ready for a 5K run.

I also lost my ponytail holder, any sembelance of a hair style, my forehead was decorated with ancient runes (I’m pretty sure they said “stupid”), and I was confetti’d.  Ohhhhh I was so confetti’d.  Later, at the commissary, I took off my jacket and a pile of confetti landed at my feet.  I had to rush out of the coffee aisle, forgetting coffee for monday morning, before anyone noticed I was the confetti culprit. That night, at home, I had confetti in every nook & cranny, even in my under garments.  Don’t ask.  I don’t know!

I took almost 400 pictures, and I struggled to cut it down to less than 100.  I really struggled to find just one to represent the whole day.  I finally settled on this one of the fire department, they had such a good time.  So loud, so friendly.  But, if I did it right, you can click the photo to see all 92 pictures from the big Fasching parade!

NOTE: You can see pictures of the Hexen in last years Fasching post: Fat Tuesday