If you ask Tess what was the best part of our whirlwind trip back to the states; the answer is one word: “Becca!”

The dynamic duo was reunited and their unbridled joy at seeing each other had all of us, at least us mommies, in tears.  I could feel waves of warm happiness radiating out from them. The air literally quivered with their joy. They hugged, squealed, hugged some more & stormed off to a bedroom, not to be seen again except under pressure to eat or be photographed.

I’ll be honest, my own reaction to see our dear friends Emmett & Karen was pretty darn squeal-y, hug-y and happy too.  I’d missed them so.  You know you have friends for life when they will drive 5 hours, each way, to see you for 1 day.  And share you with family, family and more family.

The thing is, after so much time together, so many amazing experiences and the bazillion life’s-little-moments shared, they are my family.  The number one best thing the Army has given me is more family.  Yes, it is hard when they move, or we move, but without the Army they would never have been put in our path.  I would never have this big, amazing, family I have now.

Even Tess, moping in her room much of this week now, agrees.  The best day of her life was when Becca walked through our front door.  Nothing can take that from her, no matter how many miles we have to fly, ride trains, drive cars or walk.  Of course after I said all this to Tess, while having a heart-to-heart talk to help her cope with yet another good-bye, she rolled her eyes at me:

“Mom.  We have Skype.”
