They say bad things come in three’s. Sometimes they are wrong (Hans, Cole & Jack, Band of Brothers). This weekend our beloved pet rat Willow, Tessa’s baby, got very sick. She & Dave spent every waking, and some sleeping, moments holding her, comforting her, trying to make her feel better, trying to get her to drink. It was a losing proposition, and spirits were low.
Sunday was the last day of the Annual ChocolArt Festival in Tübingen. It is way too short for something so amazing, so fun, so delicious! We needed a couple hours out and Cole was willing to sit & hold Willow. Tess especially loves chocolate, and I’ve been dying to take photo’s now that my hand is finally healing.
We’d been to the festival twice, when we first moved to Germany and lived closer. Or rather, I thought we lived closer. Turns out Tübingen is little more than an half hour away. I have no idea what possessed me to skip it 3 years in a row. Old town Tübingen is fabulous without chocolate overrunning her streets. It’s got charm oozing out of every pore, with cobblestone streets, narrow, winding allies and amazing Fachwerk houses lining just about every inch.
In the warmer months Stocherkahn (boats powered by pushing a long wooden pole) run up & down the neckar offering a welcome respite from the heat, and hours of walking. It is also the home of the famous, for charity, Duck Race or Entenrennen. Something I’ve missed every year, but will not miss in 2017!
This Sunday afternoon, at the Chocolate Festival, was perfect. Just me, Dave & Tess, wandering the booths, enjoying some of the thousands of chocolate delicacies. I even tried chocolate-curry worst! Tess had several fruit-on-stick covered in chocolate and we all enjoyed mugs of steaming hot chocolate and a shot of chocolate whisky liqueur in an adorable, chocolate-lined, mini waffle cone. For the first time in days I saw both of them smile, and Tess flat out squeal with joy when we found a booth with macaroons from France!
It turns out the macaroons were the biggest hit. She was glowing from ear-to-ear and I showed off my best French form to the owner, François Duweck, making everyone giggle. I managed a Spanish word, half a sentence in French, followed by my best German. I am not the language beast my sister is! We did collect a card from M. Duweck and we are looking forward to visiting his shop in the Alsace province.
On the drive home Tess opened her box of macaroons and we heard:
“Oh yum! Pistachio! My favorite!”
“Oooooooh! Caramel!”
“What is this? Dad take a nibble, what is it?””Vanilla! That’s my favorite!” We were less than a kilometer from our parking garage, still in Tübingen, I had to ask. I turned around to look at her smiley, happy, mouthful face.
“Tess! Are you eating them all! That fast?”
“No, I’m just taking a bite out of each so my brothers won’t eat them.” Unfortunately, that did not stop the brothers from helping her eat the treats.
These almonds in chocolate are one of my favorites. Yum!
Dave & Tess trying out hot chocolate & chocolate churros.
These would make a wonderful Christmas present. I took photo’s.
Santa boots with snow. Love!
I have some kids that would love these! They can make anything out of chocolate.
Even on the last day, it was very crowded. Narrow streets = crowded.
This is the same house above, 5 minutes later as the lights were going up.
Right by the Ritter make-your-own-flavor chocolate booth. Sadly, I was too old.
I love the colors on this one! Taken from the fruit in chocolate stand (Tess’ favorite).
The three-in-a-row lit-up houses on the main marketplace. Love!!!!
This one was hard to capture, but such a big part of the look & feel of the festival.
I stood on the hill leaving the market with all the other photo enthusiasts & selfie-stick holders. If only there were no people & I had it all to my self.
Tess captured me & Dave ❤
Leaving the festival via a back alley with lots of stairs. LOTS of stairs.
There’s a park just across from downtown. Gorgeous day, night, any time of year.
The house in old town along the Neckar river.
One last look as we leave Tübingen
So beautiful! I love all your “travelogues”! I love to travel and know that I probably won’t make it back to Germany, at least to see all the seasons. Maybe one. Regardless, you bring me great pleasure in my armchair travels. Thanks so much!
This looks gorgeous! I have never been to a Christmas Market and feel I’m really missing something. Thanks for a vicarious look!
Thanks so much for sharing your travelogues – love your photos. I love to travel but probably will not be doing any more except with photos and videos. Have you thought about making videos?