It is time for another month of fabulous, gorgeous, breath-taking Round Robins staring none other than our own Valentina’s Creations!

We kick things off with the stunning Folkish Autumn Kit and Collection:

I’m so pleased to introduce to you a lovely collaboration with one of the most professional and kind designers I have ever met. Karen from SnickerDoodles Designs has kindly accompanied me on this exciting adventure! We had a lot of fun chatting about our own lives, sharing our daily routines, and caring about each detail of the collab until we gave to life a wonderful Folkish Autumn Collection. I’m so proud of the whole project! The feeling it inspires in me is exactly the same feeling I experienced during all the process of creation: I can smell the deep and intense pine and feel the slight autumnal sun which gently caresses my shoulders while I’m walking along a yellow boulevard. I strongly suggest let yourself enjoy a pure moment of fun by playing with this outstanding piece of art.

Please ask questions in the Round Robin FAQs, I will update that post with answers. Please post only your layout links here.

A Round Robin is One Month, One Designer, Four Collabs.

How do you come in, and more importantly, how can you save extra?
Answer: Create a LO!

The LO rules are simple:

What are the discounts:

The best news? These discounts are stackable. That means if you participate in all four Social Media venues, your final discount code will be an additional 40% on the next Round Robin Collab. How much you save is up to you!

I will PM coupons good off the next COLLECTION each week on Wednesdays. The coupons are good for one week only. The final week coupon will be for the featured Round Robin Designers personal use store.

Please post your layout in this thread with links to where each LO is posted (our Round Robin gallery, your pinterest, facebook & google+).

Valentina’s Creations and her partner this week: SnickerdoodleDesigns! Together they’ve created an amazing masterpiece: Folkish Autumn

For a limited time get the Folkish Autumn Addon FREE! Just click to download & enjoy.
Folkish Autumn FREE Addon