
Sandwich Sale

In between Black Friday & Cyber Monday things are quiet. It is time for leftovers, sandwiches and games. However. At my house things are never quiet. This year we had a houseful, the five of us and our neighbors. Still, that is just nine. our first Thanksgiving in Germany, we had a true houseful.

We had seven of us (only Nicholas was missing that year), our ‘neighbors’ from the hotel (five more) and Dave’s cousins friend & her dog. We had snow that year and the kids spent the day outside playing and working up an appetite.  Only interrupting for snacks and “Mom! Take a picture!”.

Soren is (not was, he is still, at 26, as busy as ever) as energized as Cole & Dane.  That year he built he ramp out of the picnic table in the backyard to get a jumpstart on our mini-snowboard run into the farmers field. He also spent time jumping off the roof of the shed into the deep snowpile just below. And he spent time exercising the Bears (the dog guest). Not in a million snowballs did Soren get tired of playing fetch with a very confused doggie.

When I finally had everything on the big, long, huge table we’d found at a big discount in IKEA, we called the kids in and had a feast! Turkey. Ham. All the fixings. 9 pies. Not a soul went hungry, and there was plenty left for soup, stews & sandwiches the next day. The boys cleared the table and I walked our friends out, babbling a little in the cold, saying a long goodbye, dreading the return to my overflowing kitchen.

Dave is the master of the dishes. He can fill a dishwasher to double it’s capacity and wash pots & pans with the speed of light, but packing up leftovers? Breaking down a turkey? Boiling the bones for soup? That is all me. And that year especially, with boxes still up to my ears in our brandnew house, I was exhausted.

Imagine my happiness to walk into the kitchen and see Soren breaking down the turkey for me! He was already on his second, huge, biggest-size-possible, tupperware full of  turkey. I was drooling at the thought of left-over turkey sandwiches. I was honestly moved to tears. My baby was grown up and helping. Without being asked!

I gave him a big hug “Thank you.”

He hugged back and looked confused: “For What?”

“For packing up the turkey.” He looked at me with his lovely are-you-dumb-face:

“I’m not packing up the turkey. That’s my midnight snack.” and he pointed to giant box #1;

“That’s my breakfast.” and he pointed to giant box #2.


The Turkey that became The Midnight Snack


Mom! Take a picture!


Working up an appetite with the Bears


Catching air off the picnic table out back


He brought the baby a shirt ❤
