It’s almost time! Are you going to be our Next Designer? Are you going to be the proud new owner of an IPAD? We’ve got prizes, mentors & more. All we need is you! It’s audition time for our ND2020!

If you are on the fence. If the prizes aren’t enough. If the Mentors aren’t enough. Let me tell you a story.

There was once an artist named Bryony. You now know her as – Heartstrings Scrap Art, but before that she was a freelance Designer, a Creative Team member and a mom. She is still those things, and a much loved member of our Studio Design Team.

It all started back in 2014 when she entered our Next Designer Competition. She did not win. She created some beautiful designs but she lost to an amazing Designer, Jill (created by Jill) who sadly passed away last year.

Bryony kept designing. She took what she learned, worked hard & joined our team in 2015 as a template Designer. One of her first template sets, The Bigger Picture #1 is still in the store today:

I asked Bryony to send me one of the first mini’s she designed, before she became a kit Designer & she shared this still lovely preview from 2015:

Bryony is now a seasoned Designer, with absolutely gorgeous collections in our store & one of our top sellers. Without our Next Designer Competition, I would never have found her. I would never have realized her talent. Look how much she has grown in just five short years:

Adventure – Shoreline by Heartstrings Scrap Art

Are you ready to be the Next Bryony? Are you ready to join our team? A little nervous? Need some help? We got you!

This year we are introducing Mentors. Mentors who will stand besides you every step of the way, holding your hand, providing guidance, tips, tricks and answering questions. And not just any Mentors. These are not random guests found in the deep dark recesses of the internet. These are some of the top talent in the Digital Scrapbooking community. I am very proud to announce our Mentors for this years ND2020:

How does this work? Well, first we need to know you are interested. We need to see you. We need to see your designs. We need you… on a preview. Simply design a mini, post a preview and download links, and let us get to work.

ND2020 You on a Preview

There are no sign-ups. Your entry will be the “You on a Preview” mini. Each entry must be exactly:

  • 4 papers
  • 20 elements
  • No more. No less.

All entries must be posted by June 1, 2020 to qualify. The official deadline is May 31, 2020 at midnight EDT.

Every Designer that posts a preview will be automatically entered into the ND2020. Every Designer that posts a preview will be give a mentor for the duration of the competition. You do not have to attend the LIVE Mentor Announcements June 3, 2020 at 12:00 noon EDT to be given a Mentor.

You can read more specifics, including all the important dates, here:


What’s in it for you? A month-long intense Design competition. A month-long Mentorship. Weekly competitive rounds. Weekly prizes, including a CU Mini Value Grab Bag for every participant, and a $25 Gift Certificate to every round winner.

Our Grand Prize winner, our newest Guest Designer, will also be sent a brandnew 6th Generations iPad. What are you waiting for? Get designing!