Earlier this week I sat down virtually with our newest Designer, Lilach Oren, to get to know her a little better. Working remotely, at home, from all over the world, makes it hard to truly talk and get to know each other. Little interviews like this help break the ice and close the distance.

Toiny: Hi Lilach! Introduce yourself? Where do you live? Any kids? Pets?

My name is Lilach Oren I am 45 years old from Israel, Im a mother of 3 children aged 22, 20 and 11 and we have a sweet one year old Maltese dogThey are my inspiration for kits and layouts

Toiny: What got you into scrapbook design?

Lilach: I first discovered the digital scrapbooking world on Sep. 2004 while I was surfing the net looking for digital albums for my new photos and became totally addicted to it. I really love to scrap with templates and that was the first kit I sold in 2005.

Toiny: What does a typical day look like for you?

Lilach: I wake up at 5 in the morning, go through Facebook posts and read emails while I drink my first coffee. The next two hours of the morning are devoted to cleaning. Once everything is clean and tidy I open my Photoshop thinking of new product ideas and building new kits. At lunch a family lunch, as much as possible, and I do not give up a nap for an hour or two. Afternoons are devoted to family, nights out together are all for me and night hours are devoted to scrapping.

Toiny: What else do you do for fun?

Lilach: Fun for me is to go for a walk by the sea in the evening with the whole family and spend some quality time together like that. And if I want to rest then I’m sitting with my husband for a binge night on a good series.

Toiny: What is the one thing, you can’t live without?

Lilach: Family and photoshop.

Toiny: What is your favorite food?

Lilach: I would normally say pasta, pizza and cakes but in the last few months I have switched to a healthier and more dietary diet called ketogenic diet, which means meat, vegetables, fish, eggs and cheeses … so right now my favorite food is good steak with sweet potato chips.

I’ve decided Lilach is crazy for getting up at 5 am and cutting out pasta! But I do love walks by the sea and binge watching. We may be worlds apart, but not all the different. After all, photoshop did bring us together.

Today you can still pick up Lilach’s free template in her shop at The Studio:

Check out her other templates and her Forever Love collection now in her store at The Studio: