It’s time for another Quick Tip! If you are playing along with our Layout-a-Day (LAD) Big Moments, you’ve seen a lot of color, a lot of wings, a lot of movement coming through. This makes for some very exciting & fun layouts.

Today we’re going to take some of the prizes we’ve already gotten and expand on techniques we’ve already covered. I’m using the rainbow tree & leaves from May 21st, as well as the Motion Trails from May 14th.

  • I’ve shrunk both the tree & leaves down
  • I’m using the pre-shadowed leaves
    Note you can add your own shadows as well

I’ve added Chere Kay Designs motion trail (CKH_BIgMotion_TR_16.png):

I am using the Move Tool to reposition and resize the motion trail to give life to my leaf:

I’ve duplicated the motion trail layer and added it to several, but not all, of the leaves. It gives a little more movement and depth to the page.

You can duplicate and:

  • Erase some of the trail
  • Add a clipping mask to “paint” some away
  • Resize

Let your creativity go wild! You can use multiple motion trails on one page. The possibilities are endless:

You are not too late to join in! Our LAD: Big Moments is open to all, open to join any time. Every layout gets a prize, and there’s make-up Sundays ☺