Hone your skills in Photoshop, PSE, and more!
How to use the Brush Tool in Photoshop
Two weeks ago we looked at how to load / install brushes in Photoshop, Today, let's look at how to use the Brush Tool once we've installed our brushes.
Hone your skills in Photoshop, PSE, and more!
Two weeks ago we looked at how to load / install brushes in Photoshop, Today, let's look at how to use the Brush Tool once we've installed our brushes.
This is a beginner's tutorial on how to load Photoshop brushes.
The Clone Tool has a well-kept secret; it can be rotated. This is great when you need to clone a curve.
The Clone Stamp Tool is one of my favorite Photoshop tools. It is used to remove distracting elements from an image; and, to me, it just seems like magic!
Quickly and easily convert photo's to black & white images in Adobe Photoshop. Includes a FREE Basic Photo Edit action.
Another way to sharpen images is by using the High Pass Filter. The High Pass Filter detects edges, without affecting the rest of the image.
Let's look at how to blur parts of an image using the Field Blur Filter. This filter is a great tool to use when you would like to direct the viewers focus to one specific area of an image.
CU products aren't just for designers!
Available in both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, the Sharpen Tool can be quite useful at times, enhancing details and sharpening areas selectively without having to use a mask.
Detailed step-by-step settings for editing your photo's in Adobe Photoshop. Includes a FREE Basic Photo Edit action.
"If you have just one object on your canvas in Photoshop, how do you center it? Please don't tell me you have to use Grids, Guides, or Rulers!"
Two weeks ago, we looked at how to create Text on a Path , around a shape. Today, let’s take a look at how to create our own path, and add text to that.
A quick how-to filtered for retired, commercial use products at The Studio.
We’ve had several requests to review how to type text around a shape, so let’s look at that fun technique today!
Simple tutorial demonstrating how Smart Objects can save time in Scrapbooking.
A quick & easy demonstration of using filters to find what you need in The Shop.
Creating a rain or snow effect can be as simple as adding an overlay and changing its blend mode.
There are several ways to revert to the state of the image we liked: undo, redo or history state. Learn more!
Today I’m going to show you how one finds Commercial Use Products in our store.
What are XML files? Your questions answered for different versions of PSE!
This busy Christmas season begs me to use as many [...]
Utilizing digital scrapbooking templates is a great way to spark [...]
What is Chromatic Aberration? David Peterson defines it as "a departure [...]
Color tinting black and white photographs by hand is a [...]